*[m&m]'Flee as a Bird'- Cynthia Clawson
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*m&m Diet
2020. 11. 26.
< Flee As A Bird >

Cynthia Clawson-Cynthia Clawson-Cynthia Clawson-Cynthia Clawson
Cynthia Clawson-Cynthia Clawson-Cynthia Clawson-Cynthia Clawson
**Flee As A Bird **
Flee as a bird to your mountain
Thou who art weary of sin
Go to the clear, flowing fountain
Where you may wash and be clean
당신의 산으로 새처럼 날아가시오
죄로 지친 그대여
저 맑게 흐르는 샘으로 가시어
그곳에서 씻고 깨끗해지소서
Fly, for the avenger is near thee
Call, and the Savior will hear thee
He on His bosom will bear thee
Thou who art weary of sin
O thou who art weary of sin
He is the bountiful Giver
Now unto Him draw near
Peace then shall flow like a river
Thou shalt be saved from they fear
Haste, then, the hours are flying

Spend not the moments in sighing
Cease from your sorrow and crying
The Savior will wipe every tear
The Savior will wipe every tear
Come, then, to Jesus, thy Savior
He will redeem thee from sin
Bless with a sense of His favor
Make thee all-glorious within
Call, for the Savior is near thee
Waiting in mercy to hear thee
He by His presence will cheer thee
Thou who art weary of sin
O ... thou who art weary of sin
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존재하시는 그분께서 당신을 격려하실 겁니다
죄로 지친 그대여
오 ~ 죄로 지친 그대여

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